Monday, July 30, 2007


Finally, the dust is settling down albeit very slowly. Some couldn't even see the sun shine! Why?Because human is more often than not are blinded by greed. Well, it is acceptable that probably 70% of those involved were devoid of any knowledge on how money supposedly could grow on trees. But the leaders could never pledge ignorance as an excuse.

And yet, alas the supposedly good times did come to an end. With the Securities Commision and Bank Negara putting their feet down, nothing could escape their net. And so that was the death of money games, from Swiss Cash, P.I. Club, EA Index, ABB Fund, FQ Fund, Gin Li, Sweden Fund, and countless more. At one point a new 'program' emerged almost every other day!

And people rushed onto the bandwagons of Internet Investments. Some to the tune of 100s of thousand ringgits. Some lost their life savings. And worse still, some lost their borrowed money.

And the con artists? One guy bought himself a round-eyed Merz for cash along with a brand new pretty young wife. He purpotedly was said to have amassed in excess of a cool RM400,000 in just less than 3 months! The inner circles had it, that some early bids were related to have made RM600,000 to RM800,00 a month for quite a while prior to the collapse.

It is sad to note that so many people lost their hard earned money over night. During the frenzy, it was just almost impossible to advise anyone even those closest to you of the truth of the matter.

But again, the lessons so blatantly forced onto me was, MONEY IS THICKER THAN BLOOD; IN BUSINESS OR POLITICS, ALIKE. So stop being so sentimental.

But than again, has everybody ceased to become fools? NOPE! There are still so many BLOODY FOOLS willingly to be taken for aride another time on a differently painted bandwagons around.

May Allah bless all of them. Money has never grown on trees and shall never will.

So long folks,


Mentakab. (Where a good plate of fried Mee Zainal is still less than RM3.00 a plate, and fresh patins a 10 minute drive to Temerloh}. Is life bad?

Medan, Indonesia.

Back To The Present


Wahaha! Finally back to the present. And I have been missing from this blog for almost a year now! Time flies!

Well, in the earlier part I have been really busy. We made some fortune enough to clear and salvage us from sinking to the bottom next to Titanic. Not out of the rough seas yet, but at least manageable.

The journey has taken me a couple of times to East malaysia, Medan and also Jakarta. Found my treasures there? Not quite so, but it certainly has been a journey of learning and growing up. Not all is lost. At least I know who was who.

If anything least to be learned, simple human virtues such as integrity and honesty are sure rare commodities on this planet. About to trade our values? NOPE!!!

chapter 2

Ah yes! I did turned my handphone and email off from civilisation for over 2 months until about 2 weeks ago - The Present.
Came back home toattend a friend's daughter's kenduri on April 29th. What was supposed to be a couple of days home turned out to be well...

Woke up one fine day and I just felt so exhausted after running around past 10 years. And just discovered how much I have neglected our good old house and embarked on so many DIYs. I am a freak when coming to stuff like this. Besides, it saves a lot of money and having the satisfaction of having the fixes done accordingly.


Been getting lots of calls from some genuine friends and acquaintances. Obviously, it is not yet the end of the world as I sometimes perceived.

Bye for now.

Mentakab. (Where you still can enjoy a good fried mee for less than RM3.00! Keep it up Zainal!! And of course, buy life patins and patin masak tempoyak is second to none!).

PS. Call me on +6016 328 6788. The other number +6012 385 6788 is on my 2nd HP and God knows how much I hate carrying 2 HPs around!