Thursday, July 27, 2006

Network Marketing is about leveraging. That is the secret to building a huge business.
No one ever got rich
by working hard alone.
Networking is about leveraging & team work.

At tonight's Gold Power I spoke about what to look for in a Network Marketing Company, MLM company for short. I was just a little bit concerned of the prospects of having so many naive people ending up in the wrong company that would not only kill their beliefs in the future of networking business but worse still their self belief of being able to change life for the better.

Most people assumed that every Network Marketing company they join will pay their bonuses which is not true at all. Malaysian companies in particular are sometimes founded and ran by crooks cashing on the publics naivetivity. So many have got their fingers burnt.

Most people also assumed that shown a very attractive pay plan plus some miraculous products, their business would just fly them to the moon almost instantly and they would be wealthy in no time enjoying life ever after irrespective of what Network Marketing company they joined.

The truth is, despite having all those but in the absence of a good Support System in the form of organised business presentations, training and events that gathers people on a regular basis, building a proper business is definitely going to be a gargantuan task. Ask yours truly. Read Robert Kiyosaki's Business School. You will definitely have a better understanding of what Network Marketing is all about.

Another myth of building a Network Marketing business is, "I can do it all alone!". How wrong could one be? No matter who you are, if one aspires to grow a huge handsfree business, you have got to make use of the functions available provided for by the company. The programs are designed to help people build a strong, profitable & lasting business. Getting people to main events for the emotional exposure plus the knowledge is a prerequisite second to none. Smart leaders are always smarter than the rest of the crowd. They are masters of leverages.

Tonight, I bashed the audience a little bit harder than usual. But they appeared to be having a great time. Hope they would have picked up a pointer or two in helping them build their business. A Network Marketing business offers you an opportunity of building wealth and your life, second to none, if you can get those few things right.

All the very best, folks!

Good night.

Yours truly,

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

When Bill Gates was asked how he became
the richest man in the
world, he replied;

1. I was at the right place and the right time,

2. I saw the vision,

3. I took action.

Surely something could be learned from some one who has made his billions. The formula is so simple. And yet, that is the whole simple difference between the world's richest man and most of us. How some of us wished that it has to be something a lot more complicated than that.

The simple rules for success, fortunately does not require people to be rocket scientists to make things happen.

A man I know, earns an average of RM 2,000.00 a day. Qualification? Lorry driver for 10 years.


Just couldn't stop thinking over my poor niece, Jee. Saddled with a screwed marriage + 3 young kids. Has to fend for everything that life requires. But the saddest thing is, her own mom and sibblings are punishing her to no end.

When she had to deliver her 3rd child, the mother would not allow her to stay with the family.
Having no way to go, she took refuge in the care of a distant relative. A poor woman as well she was.

After her confinement, she wanted to stay with her mom and elder sister, having no money and no where to go. She was allowed to stay temporarily. And she was told by almost each and every one of her sibblings to leave the house shortly there after.

Managing herself to earn some meagre incomes from here and there, she ended renting a house in front of her mom's house. Sometimes things were so bad, they had to go to bed without a proper meal. Sometimes, dinner could mean just rice with bean sprouts and soya sauce.

And when she required some witnesses in court for her divorce hearing, not one family member was willing to step forward. So my other half, as usual, took the lead getting some other relatives who was willing to be on her side.

When her Kancil was about to be repossed, again it was my other half.

And now, Jee could no longer afford to pay her rental. So we have no choice but to get her a cheaper house. And if we are not willing to part of her ordeal, wonder who else? For a young woman in her late 20s, with 3 kids, with no fixed income, abandoned by everybody in the family, I wonder how on earth she could still maintain her sanity.

As far as me is concerned, all her family members, her mom who is my elder sister, her siblings -
it is betrayal of love the highest degree. Shame on all of you who prays 5 times a day with some
of you being so welll educated. It would appear to me that all of you are nothing more than sibblings of convenience.

To Jee, we are with you. Through thick and thin. We have made a decision. Mak Ngah and me.
Hope you have really learned your lesson well. Life can be cruel. For every single mistake that we commit, we have to pay our dues. Life can be unforgiving. But that's where we develop our wisdomand strength as well. We both knew that very well, for we have been on this journey almost 20 years earlier than you. Life is not a bed of roses, but it doesn't have to be a bed of thorns all the way either.

Yes, we were all very angry with your thick headedness. But then again, we don't punish you for what you are. Loving some one means staying through thick and thin, through happy and bad times, enjoying one's beauty, but bearing with one's ugliness as well. Let's walk through this dark times of your life together. We might not be able to carry you through, but we will definitely be along your side. Reach out, we shall be there for you.

There is always a silver lining to the dark clouds. Tough times will not last forever, but tough people do. We know that very well.

Yours truly.


Malam ini mengajar Plan B. Tak berapa ramai. Cuma separuh dewan yang hadir. Bagai biasa, gave my best. Sayangnya cuma seorang anak buah yang hadir. Semuanya menggambarkan sikap. Duit mau. Senang mau. Komitmen tengoklah.

Tadi tanya my audience, "Siapa sini yang tak suka dah pergi kerja, tapi masih lagi kena pergi kerja tiap hari?" Hampir semua orang angkat tangan. Alangkah ramainya manusia yang menderita...

Sempat sembang-sembang dengan Khairul. Bagi tau yang dia sms ke management pasal speakers yang buat presentasi sampai hampir 2 jam. Yang jelas, bila bertembung dengan Yang Berkuasa, muka beliau berubah. Sudah tidak macam biasa. Apa nak buat. Yang Berkuasa ada kroni dia sendiri. Nak komenpun susah.

Teringat buku yang aku baca, 'Big Brands, Big Troubles'. Alangkah benarnya:
"Success leads to arrogance and arrogance leads to failure."

Hanya Allah sahaja yang boleh menyelamatkan keadaan yang sebegini. Nuraniku mengatakan, bukanlah satu organisasi yang akan berkembang dan mekar sihat. Merekalah yang membunuh masa depan mereka sendiri. Kepada sahabat-sahabat, bacalah yang tersirat.

Nota 2.

Hari ini diberitakan Hani Mohsin jatuh di LCCT langsung meninggal dunia. Heart attack. Untung juga ada anak beliau yang baru berusia 9 tahun. Belas juga mengenangkan nasib hidup manusia. Manalah sangka dalam hidup glamor begitu, nyawa dicabut oleh malaikat maut. Menyedarkan kita betapa rapuhnya nyawa. Alfatihah buat Allahyarham Hani Mohsin. Mudah-mudahan ditempatkan di samping orang-orang yang istimewa di sisi Allah.

Nota 3.

Tadi sembang-sembang dengan Wadi, Dasuki & Mat Nor di kedai Lotus kat corner biasa di PJ. Setelah Dasuki balik, sembvang-sembang dengan Wadi. Belajar darinya apa yang patut tentang bisnes investment itu. Jadi ngeri cuma untuk bergantung dengan apa yang ada sekarang. Sentul. KL. p.s. Black dah tidur di katil barunya, my black traveling cabin bag.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Macam-Macam Peluang Bisnes(ONLINE BUSINES OPPORTUNITIES) di Internet Yang Boleh Dilakukan dari Rumah (Making Money From Home)

Tadi bagai dijanji-janji, terserempak dengan beberapa orang sahabat yang dulunya sehidup semati di dalam politik sewaktu jalan-jalan di pasar malam Mentakab.

Mula-mula terserempak dengan Saiful bersama isteri dan anak bongsunya. Apa lagi, makan durianlah selepas itu. Kemudian datang pulak 3 lagi pasangan sahabat bersama isteri masing-masing.

Selepas itu pindah ke Bukit Bendera. Minum-minum. Begitupun bagai biasa, bila ada peluang bisnes, sebagai suatu kewajipan, tetap bercerita kepada 2 orang yang datang menemui kami kemudian.

Bagai biasa juga, habis setakat mendengar sajalah. Kadang-kadang aku terfikir, sebebnarnya kehidupan manusia ini jika daif kerana minda yang terbiar, memang sebegitulah seterusnya kehidupan mereka.

Alangkah berbezanya dengan sahabat-sahabat seperjuangan di KL yang tidak pernah putus asa berjuang memperbaikki kehidupan mereka.

Salah seorang darinya seorang guru yang telah berjaya mengumpul lebih dari RM3,000,000.00 dari perniagaan MLMnya dalam masa 13 bulan berniaga. Yang seorang lagi kenalan, kabarnya, bulan lepas, pendapatan dari bisnes pelaburan melalui internetnya menghasilkan pendapatan melebihi RM800,000.00!

Kesimpulannya yang dapat dirumuskan, sesungguhnya kedhaifan minda itulah yang akan mengekalkan manusia di dalam kedhaifan hidup yang mereka jalani tersebut.

Peluang bisnes di mana-mana. Kalau pergi ke internet misalnya, bagaikan lombong berlian yang sedang menunggu untuk diterokai; dari perniagaan iklan Adsense oleh Google, Affiliate Marketing, Pelaburan dan segala macam lagi. Pokok pangkalnya, semuanya harus dilihat dengan minda, bukan mata kasar.

Kadang-kadang kesian benar melihatkan keadaan sahabat-sahabat. Namun apakan daya. Kita cuma boleh menunjukkan peluang dan akan membantu habis-habisan jika turut bersama. Tidak lebih dari itu.

Alangkah malangnya, bila manusia mulai selesa dengan kedhaifan. Mudah-mudahan akan dibuka Allah pintu hati mereka untuk melihat rezeki yang ditaburkan Allah di muka bumi ini.


udah berhari-hari cuba nak buat blog dalam Bahasa Melayu. Rupanya tidaklah semudah yang disangkakan nak dapat nama yang sesuai. Bagaimanapun, akhirnya....

Memang dah lama dah teringin nak ada blog yang boleh merakamkan hari-hari yang berlalu, rakaman permerhatian tentang isu-isu semasa, baik kehidupan, bisnes ataupun politik. Banyak perkara yang susah untuk dilafazkan tetapi masih boleh dilahirkan melalui tulisan.

Semuanya catatan peribadi yang juga untuk sahabat handai di mana jua berada.

Mudah-mudahan semua di dalam keadaan sihat wal afiat serta bertambah makmur.

Salam dari Bukit Mentakab.