Saturday, September 29, 2007


Rasa sayang eh.... rasa sayang sayang eh...
Eh.. riang jauh rasa sayang-sayang eh...

To assume that Company owners are dumb and ignorant is but a reflection of one's own dumbness and ignorance. Despite being an overused cliche, looks can always still be misleading.

Obviously the writings on the wall are only visible to some very select couple of eyes. They say, leaders see things long before it happens. Well, in this particular instance, it is arrogance that caused the myopia.

Sometimes, answers would only present themselves when asked. Well, none asked!


It came in the news on tv the night before and in the newspaper yesterday that Amir Hassan has been instructed by the Securities Commision to repartriate the RM35 million back from his foreign bank accounts or face the music.

What about so many others who even owned some of the schemes during the internet investment crazy days?

I did not make a single sen from Swiss Cash, but I feel truly sorry for the injustices. My question then, why only Amir Hassan and the other 2 guys?

The truth is, so many paid huge some of money to certain people to get themselves off the hook. The irony is as always, it is us (in power) who made others rich and made us poor. Absolute power corrupts absolutely but it does not take absolute power any more.
Whose fault then?

Money as usual, is always thicker than blood.

Think over it.

Selamat Bersahur.

Yours truly,


Thursday, September 27, 2007


Need I say more??? Who said doing the right things right doesn't pay?

Yours truly,


Monday, September 24, 2007


Hi All,

In my years of reading, once a while I would stumbled upon truly undescriable work of genius that changes the world. This guy is one of them and I am just compelled to share with all of us. Enjoy and get the best out of this.

Steve Siebold is a former professional tennis player and national coach. He is the best selling author of "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class". Siebold's Mental Toughness clientele includes world-class athletes, Fortune 500 Companies, and entrepreneurs. Siebold and partners have built two companies from the ground up into national concerns. Steve is considered one of the fastest rising professional speakers and consultants in the United States and Europe, in the field of Mental Toughness Training for salespeople.

Siebold's articles appear regularly in various publications throughout the U.S. His column appears monthly in Networking Times, an international industry trade magazine. Steve Siebold and Bill Gove met in 1996, and became best friends and business partners and formed the Gove-Siebold Group. From 1996 to 2001, they shared stages around the world and spoke to over 30,000 people.

Today, the company remains focused on helping people develop world-class performance skills to convert their dreams into reality.


After 20 years of interviewing, coaching and competing against world-class performers I have broken down their secrets into mini-modules that are easy to read and simple to understand. Here’s an example of Secrets 1-5, just as they appear in the book:

#1 The World Class Operates From Objective Reality

“Amateur performers operate from delusion, pros operate from objective reality. The great ones’ habits, actions, and behaviors are totally congruent with the size and scope of their ultimate vision. That’s why we call them champions.”

– Steve Siebold

In 20 years of competing, coaching and working with performers from various fields, I’ve discovered most amateurs suffer from mild to severe delusion in relation to their efforts and competencies. In other words, most people delude themselves into thinking they are working harder then they are, and that they are more competent than they actually are. Of the five major levels of conscious awareness, (poverty, working, middle, upper, and world) my experience has been that performers at the middle-class levels of consciousness suffer the grandest delusions. The poverty level is barely surviving and living in a very harsh set of circumstances. The working class is punching a mental time clock and counting the days until retirement. They’re usually not expecting much, and no one around them expects much, either. They are typically not
concerned about climbing any higher. It’s the middle class that is most incongruent with reality. They are operating at a high enough level to understand that higher levels exist. Although they don’t expect to get there, the thought crosses their minds from time to time. Because of their low expectations, their actions are incongruent with their desires. In other words, they want to live the life of the world class, but are unwilling to pay the price. Since this reality is too harsh to bear, they delude themselves into thinking they are doing everything in their power to get ahead. Of course, they’re not. They’ll tell you they’re putting in far more time than they are. They’ll swear they are thinking about their vision all the time, but they’re not. The world class is brutally honest with themselves, and they tend to look reality in the face. They err on the side of over-practicing and over-preparing. Champions know that, to ascend to the top, you must first be operating from a mindset of objective reality. Self-deception and delusion have no place in the professional performer’s consciousness.

Action Step for Today: Make a commitment to check delusion at the door. Be honest and ask this critical thinking question: “Are my habits, actions and behaviors congruent with the vision I have for my life?”

World-Class Resource: Get a copy of Leadership and Self-Deception, by The Arbinger Institute. This book made me reexamine my entire belief system. It’s a must-have for your mental toughness library.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

As I was surfing doing some research, someone popped up on YM. And I just wished her Selamat Bersahur.Then somehow or rather we embarked on a chat about business and so forth.

Before long, she invited me to join her business. Hers was the best on planet earth. Told her, that her company's products are one of the best in the market and she should just go all out to build her network. Not once I belittled her organisation or the products what so ever.

But, that did not satisfy her. She went on to say that all other companies in the wellness industry are cheating their customers and so forth.

Tried to correct her, while she rightly should be proud of her products, it was plainly not right to make uncalled for statements about other companies or products. But she went on and on.

Well... I was like that during my first 6 years in business. I have learned my lessons the hard way.

Friday, September 21, 2007

And so all of us agreed that in order to build a huge borderless business, there is some basic compulsory foundations to be laid and observed. And of course all agreed that training plays a very crucial role.

And taking some wisdoms from the past, it was a FACT that I was the biggest drawcard in attracting people to events organized by the zone. Let me make it clear, this is not an attempt to live in past glory. Far from it.

But the fact was, there must have been certain things right that I did accidentally or purposely. To that, I have to pay tribute to the right things taught to me by the previous organization. Face it, how else then we attracted thousands to our functions day in an out?

Success is not just luck. It is a science which easily duplicated by any one. And so my friends, we have to subscribe to certain standards. There is no 2 way about it.

As far as I am concerned, it is simply straight forward. Either we do the right things right or we don't do it at all. Saves every one all the trouble.

Everone can have a vision. But it takes a leader to make things happen.

Good luck,



Wednesday, September 19, 2007

maca root

maca farmers

Inca Beauties

Dr. Chacon

Dr Hugo Maspalina
Reknown Cardiologist in Peru
Been using maca past 10 years
on his patients.

It's 4.49am. Wednesday morning. Sahur time.

Well, it's already 6 days of fasting, 7th taking today into account. Last time this year we were extremely busy with our Iraqi dinar business. One Ramadan later, we are now cranking to get things started with our maca business.

After looking at Usana, Agel, Xango(to some extent) along with countless local companies, we have decided to settle for this. No matter how we looked, still all pointers are towards this direction.

On my personal list, learning from experience, it has to be a binary pay plan along with a great product, workability of the business (by others that follow us), timing, repeat business, reasonable maintennance and of course, the greatest of them all : TIMING!

Maca is an excellent product with a 2000 year old track record, simply proven by Google with in excess of 5 million related websites on the same subject with scientific researches and clinical proofs of authorities such as the well known cardiologist of Peru, Dr Hugo Malaspina whom has been dispensing maca for last 10 years to his patients. And with Dr Chacon's researches on the same it has also achieved another record of having maca as the food supplements of NASA's astronauts besides being the super food of atheletes and olympians.

Maintennance of RM130 a month is more than reasonable. New sign ups, members' maintennance, consumers' repeat purchases and upgrades by business builders are natural real business turnovers unlike most binary pay plans which are solely headhunting.

The business structural requirements of only having to build 2 business lines which offers an income potential of up to RM28,000.00 per day is anything but revolutionary. For once, leaders have to do nothing else but concentrating on helping the people below them grow.

And when one thinks of the floor opportunity plus the market potentials of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand some where along the line, some one with the mind capacity of absorbing such potentials shall definitely churn that kind of income which will amount to RM840,000.00 a month!

I may be wrong, but all the pointers are still pointing the same direction as mentioned earlier on. And everything as Napoleon Hill said it before, begins with the mind.

Warmest regards,

Yours truly,


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Children are gifts to the parents and the world around them, providing unconditional, endless joy...

Aren't children created
to be anything
else, but sweet...?

Finally,Ramadhan is back without most of us realising how fast time has flown since last Ramadhan.
As usual, I spent some time sending my Ramadhan wishes to close friends and a couple of business acquaintances in Indonesia. Out of 3, only Diana from Jakarta replied. One particular guy from Medan not only ignored my sms but also rejected my calls. That is what happens when people owes you money! Not much, Rp10 million +. But I never gave that amount of money to my own daughter...

Nevertheless, it was this old dear friend who stood by me through thick and thin that made my day. Asked him to forward me some photos of him and the family and it was Baby Zaara's photo along with Mimin (Yasmin the older sister) that melted my heart. Kids are always wonderful. They reflect the purity and innocence of their own little world. They are the ones who really own their life, unlike us adults. How I wish all of us would remain as little kids forever in our life. No mean people to hurt us, no con men to cheat our money or business.

Anyway, to all of you out there, Selamat Berpuasa. I know you have been good all your life. But this is time to do even better things for our 'Thereafter Savings Account'.

Enjoy your Ramadhan,




Monday, September 03, 2007

On Saturday afternoon, me and Abg G went to meet an owner of a company who was going to launch their presence in about 2 weeks time. Spent the entire afternoon in his office, leaving only around 7.00 pm, to meet another guy to see what he has to really show us at our 'bistro' near Vistana Hotel in KL. And we looked and asked and listened to this guy. As I mentioned to my partner in business, "Let's have a good look. We never know."
True enough, as we spent the hours together we got to see not only the business opportunity but as far as I was concerned, a nice peek into what makes the mesenger the man he was. And just around 11.00 pm, Abg G my partner got a call from an old friend and we immediately rushed to her house in Pandan Perdana to show her the business opportunity.

And on Sunday morning I called a few close personal and business friends. Had a good chat with all the personal friends including Datuk A. But no such luck with the 3 business friends. Not a response to both my calls and mesages.
Now that led me into some quiet thinking. Abg G made more than a million within the past 12 months or so. This messenger that presented us the business opportunity made quite a sizeable amount of money albeit he lost most of it. The lady that we saw in Pandan Perdana should have made at least around RM400,000 (according to Abg G's estimate). And that reminds me of this couple presently in Bangkok whom have also amassed in excess of a million ringgit in past 2 years or so.
What is the common factor shared by all of them? They kept on looking at opportunities and were so open about meeting any one that had something to show them. They did not jump on every band wagon that passed by them, but the fact is they kept on looking. And once decided, all of them without any exception just flew with the opportunity working frantically.
And I have come to the same conclusion again that it is always the same small group of people who are the visionaries. The maker of things. The leaders. And these are the people who have developed the finesse and culture of treating every opportunity that comes their way with respect. At the end of the day, it requires only the right vehicle at the right time to make big things happen.
To my mind, these are the people who chose to be different to live a different life than the rest of the crowd. The people with the 'X' factor.
Yours truly,
m'kab. But leaving for KL again an a couple of hours.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

" None of us is as great as all of us."
- Warren Bennis.

If there is one person that has influenced so much of my thoughts, understanding and living the business of leading, it has to be this guy with boundless unconventional understanding and unfathomable depth on the subject of leading, Mr Warren Bennis.

Just in case you can afford or have the time for reading just one book of his, it has to be 'On Becoming A Leader'.

And also, just in case you don't have both, just remember one of his humble brilliant findings on leadership' "None of us is as great as all of us."

Warmest regards,


Baby the Cat or is she?

Finally I have to have her on my blog. She has claimed as the 4th member of our family or always my loyal companion if she doesn't keep companion for my other half.

We found her while having dinner one night at Pak Tam's in Sentul. She was just a few weeks old and yet was right up on the tv platform some 10 feet high!

Asked the Pak Tam's daughter and for all we knew, she joined us her right after the dinner. Right away she knew exactly how to melt our heart. She would pounce on us, after hiding behind doors or simply behind anything she could hide herself.

She entertains herself without having to have another kitten for companion. And when we went for a 2 nights stay to usher 2007 last 31st December, we smuggled her with us into a hotel. And she was the one that enjoyed the stay thoroughly jumping from one bed to the other.