Network Marketing is about leveraging. That is the secret to building a huge business.
No one ever got rich by working hard alone. Networking is about leveraging & team work.
At tonight's Gold Power I spoke about what to look for in a Network Marketing Company, MLM company for short. I was just a little bit concerned of the prospects of having so many naive people ending up in the wrong company that would not only kill their beliefs in the future of networking business but worse still their self belief of being able to change life for the better.
Most people assumed that every Network Marketing company they join will pay their bonuses which is not true at all. Malaysian companies in particular are sometimes founded and ran by crooks cashing on the publics naivetivity. So many have got their fingers burnt.
Most people also assumed that shown a very attractive pay plan plus some miraculous products, their business would just fly them to the moon almost instantly and they would be wealthy in no time enjoying life ever after irrespective of what Network Marketing company they joined.
The truth is, despite having all those but in the absence of a good Support System in the form of organised business presentations, training and events that gathers people on a regular basis, building a proper business is definitely going to be a gargantuan task. Ask yours truly. Read Robert Kiyosaki's Business School. You will definitely have a better understanding of what Network Marketing is all about.
The truth is, despite having all those but in the absence of a good Support System in the form of organised business presentations, training and events that gathers people on a regular basis, building a proper business is definitely going to be a gargantuan task. Ask yours truly. Read Robert Kiyosaki's Business School. You will definitely have a better understanding of what Network Marketing is all about.
Another myth of building a Network Marketing business is, "I can do it all alone!". How wrong could one be? No matter who you are, if one aspires to grow a huge handsfree business, you have got to make use of the functions available provided for by the company. The programs are designed to help people build a strong, profitable & lasting business. Getting people to main events for the emotional exposure plus the knowledge is a prerequisite second to none. Smart leaders are always smarter than the rest of the crowd. They are masters of leverages.
Tonight, I bashed the audience a little bit harder than usual. But they appeared to be having a great time. Hope they would have picked up a pointer or two in helping them build their business. A Network Marketing business offers you an opportunity of building wealth and your life, second to none, if you can get those few things right.
All the very best, folks!
Good night.
Yours truly,