Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Can Money Cause Short Memory?

Basically 2 things worth noting today.

1. I literally forced myself to go for an hour's walk eventhough it was already 9.30am. My sugar level was on boderline being at 6.6. Don't want to end up diabetic. Apart from cutting sugar intake, a little bit of exercise helps.

2. Had this sms from Hong Kong! Apparently a character I introduced into a business last September has finally made his way to be 'a partner of the parent Company' after ditching everybody along the way, me being the first. Obviously he has bridged himself well directly to the pot of gold and there is no need for anyone any more.

And I am being offered accounts, company support for running promotional events and was also told to run things in the comfort of total absence of the characters (previously all the heroes he so much adored who enabled him to be where he is now).

Yes, I am impressed, but on second thought, not really. Time has changed. The excitement over the same product has fizzled away. And also not forgetting the severe damages done here and also in Indonesia by some smart people.
Anyway, I would probably see him when he comes back to Malaysia on the August 12th. Just see what he has got to say and see the goodies he has, to entice a kampung boy like me. Basically, during the 3 months in business, we have been dealing with nothing but a bunch of 'almost crooks'. Can we still do business together? Under normal circumtances, Nope!

And I wonder, can money really shortens one's memory? Obviously that is what some people thought...

Yours truly,


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