Friday, September 21, 2007

And so all of us agreed that in order to build a huge borderless business, there is some basic compulsory foundations to be laid and observed. And of course all agreed that training plays a very crucial role.

And taking some wisdoms from the past, it was a FACT that I was the biggest drawcard in attracting people to events organized by the zone. Let me make it clear, this is not an attempt to live in past glory. Far from it.

But the fact was, there must have been certain things right that I did accidentally or purposely. To that, I have to pay tribute to the right things taught to me by the previous organization. Face it, how else then we attracted thousands to our functions day in an out?

Success is not just luck. It is a science which easily duplicated by any one. And so my friends, we have to subscribe to certain standards. There is no 2 way about it.

As far as I am concerned, it is simply straight forward. Either we do the right things right or we don't do it at all. Saves every one all the trouble.

Everone can have a vision. But it takes a leader to make things happen.

Good luck,



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